13 July 2007

Eragon, the fantasy Star Wars

******** SPOILERS AHEAD ********

I got it, Eragon is the fantasy version of Star Wars. Why?
Well let's see:

Eragon, the young boy who want's to see the world, finds a "rock" bla bla bla,
and he finds out that Brom, the village "story teller" is actualy a Dragon Knight.

Brom = Oby-Wan

Brom teaches Eragon (Luke) the begining of using maginc (the force).
After some time, he sees Brom (Oby-Wan) die. Like in Star Wars.

On the seccond book, Eragon goes to train, so the old Elf who hidden from the Empire... so the Elf is actualy Yoda. We can also say that Saphira is the Lightsaber, and of course Murtagh is Leia, and Luke, ups...I mean Eragon finds that the EVIL GUY is acutaly his father.


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24 October 2006

Cafea Cu Lapte


22 October 2006


Reclama Connex

16 October 2006

Sexy Blonde Stripping

Normal School Day

10 July 2006

Rock La Mures 2006 - Impresii

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Ei na, ca a trecut si anu asta :( Parca mai rapid decat anu trecut. Anu asta am avut ghinionu si cu ploaia de duminica care m-a facut sa plec pe la ora 8 pierzand Parazitii. Asta este, oricum a fost SUPER.

Am ajuns vineri pe la ora 5-6. Am apucat sa vad B_ton, apoi Nociv, la Tracy Gang Pussy am plecat, chiar nu aveam chef de emo, Altar mi s-au parut jenanti. Aveau ei sunetul ala...de sarit...dar au niste versuri de tot cacatu. ATITUDINE...ATITUDINE...ATITUDINE...la nesfarsit. Hai, am zis ok, poate doar la o piesa, dar TAOTE piesele sunt asa. NECENZURAT...NECENZURAT...NECENZURAT...fa-ma daca poti sa tac. PENAL. Ei vorbesc de atitudine si stuff doar ca au melodie "Romania tara care a inventat prostia". Cat de penali pot sa fie. Ce mi-au placut la ei a fost melodia de "coveruri". Atat! Au urmat The Exploited. SHOW de SHOW. Ma tot asteptam la punkareala dinaia nasoala (aici ma refer la public) dar au fost foate ok. Au cam luat tzapa aia pe care ii tot auzeam "Eu nu vin la periam ca o sa fie punkareala". Lasa, ei is fraieri. Baga moshu destul de tare, la 46 ani rezista de numa, oricum, era masina de scuipat :) Apoi...SUIE PAPARUDE. Maaama ce tare :) Si melodia aia... Razboinicul Luminii a fost super. Super super sa auzit. Pacat ca n-am stat la tot, da ma cam enerva tipu in albastru (nu vocalu, nu ala cu ochelari, alalalt). Tot multumim...multimim...si multumin "nu mai stiu ce firma"...sau la ce se referea..ceva reclama ascunsa??

De dormit am dormit afara. Ciuciu cort. De fapt am avut cort, da iar am luat tzapa cu el. Bine ca nu a plouat.

Sambata am zis ca stau la toate formatiile si am stat. Au cantat Guerilla sau Gherlila, nu stiu exact...oricum aceleasi sunet de sarit...versuri mai putin. Dupa ei au cantat Crize care mai bine nu cantau. Penali...penal si vocalu mai ales la faza cu boxerii lui "Max Cavalera touched me" sau cum era. Vezi doamne...au bassist nou...bassist care mai mult sarea...si mai baga si el un popping cica :) tragea si el de coarda in sus...WOW. Coma nu au mai cantat... Dupa Crize parca au urmat Luna Amara. De mult vroiam sa-i vad. La inceput m-au dezamagit putin, dar apoi si-au dat drumu...si dupa Luna Amara parca au venit Ektomorf. Ma asteptam sa cante noaptea...da n-a contat. Acelasi sunet de "JUMP JUMP JUMP" da macar au stiut sa faca publicu sa JUMP :) Pe final m-am suit si eu pe scana si am sarit...de 2 ori :D Prima data totul a durat cam 1 secunda, a fost o insipratie de moment :) Parca nici nu sa intamplat, a 2-a oara tin minte fetzele lu aia din fatza...ceva de genu "wooow" si cum se fereau...da tot am aterizat pe unu. La OCS...amariei era cam..."dus" :) Ma mir totusi ca a reusit sa cante. Credeam ca pica de pe scena. The Tracelords au facut si ei show...am reusit sa prind o "pana". Anu trecut am primit un disc (vinyl)...iar la IPR n-am mai stat ca eram obosit.

Duminica n-am vazut decat Mercedes Band, formatie care ma surprins. Nu era formatie de sarit dar au cantat fain, aveau si bassist bun care pe o piesa bagase si ceva slap/popping... apoi a venit ploaia...au mai cantat Molotov Cocktail si apoi sa luat curentul.......

Moaaaa....super, deabea astept Periam 2007.

P.S. DJ-ul care vine in fiecare an e tare. Baga muzica buna.

20 June 2006

Dynamic Page Title

Well, did you ever build a webpage that had only one header? I mean you include a header page in every page? Something like this:

index.php (or any other page)

This is a nice way of building a simple web page. You only have 1 header, 1 footer, probabli 1 menu, so you don't have to edit 100 HTML files. But the probleh ere si that you have only 1 page title, bechose you have only 1 header. So, as I was reading trough tutorials around the web, tutorials about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), i'v read that it's good to have a uniq page title for every page. For example, if your name is BOB and you have a page about fish, your normal page title is Bob's WebPage, on the fish page you want to have something like: Bob's WebPage - Fish, etc.

So I tryed diferent methods how to do a Dynamic Page Title. Some people around SitePoint Forums helped me, so I'm sharing this with you.

On your page header in the TITLE tag put this:
< ? p h p if (defined ('TITLE')) {
print TITLE;
} else {
print 'YourSite.com';
Then, on your index page put this:
< ? p h p define ('TITLE', "YourSite.com - Homepage"); include_once("pageheader.php"); ?>
Normaly you will only add include_once("pageheader.php"); but since you want a dynamix page title you add the "define".
That like will "define" your page title as: YourSite.com - Homepage. If you don't att the "define" like on your page the "default" title will be displayed.

On another page you add this:
< ? p h p define ('TITLE', "YourSite.com - About Us"); include_once("pageheader.php"); ?>

Got the ideea? If not, ask a question.

Thanks to people around SitePoint Forums for helping me with this.

EDIT: It seems blogger is STUPID and he ALWAYS interpetates HTML, even on the "compose" part. IT SUKS. Also on the "compose" part the HTML part starts to get UGLY, and i can't fix it coz my "code" will dissapear.

EDIT2:It also seems that the text < ? p h p don't appear.

13 June 2006

Metallica - Waldbuhne (NEW SONG)

Prima parte

A 2-a parte

Oamenii astia chiar nu se invata minte? :(
Macar de l-ar folosi pe Trujillo la maxim. Si asa se iroseste degaba la Metallica. Mai bine daca s-ar intoarce la Infectious Grooves, sau Suicidal Tendencies.... mda...vise.

Poate pana in 2007 cand o sa apara noul album Metallica, o sa se mai destepte...